This book would not exist without Scot’s luminous photographs! He is an Above-and-Beyond professional. If you live in the greater Boston area, Scot’s your man.
A client’s rave: “Scot, the photos are AMAZING!! You caught so much of the spirit of our race, some of them brought tears to my eyes to see how much you captured…”
Circus Smirkus was the matchmaker between Quarry Books and the author – and lo, the book was born! Smirkus promotes the skills, culture and traditions of the traveling circus. It inspires youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the circus arts through its Big Top Tour, school residencies, and its famous summer camp located in northern Vermont.
A shout-out to Louise, Eliot, Stephanie, and Brendan, whose generosity ensured the completion of the online video tutorials. All for one, and circus for all, thanks to these four musketeers!
Circus is community! JLD was a founding member of the American Youth Circus Organization, which promotes the participation of youth in circus arts and supports circus educators. Check out (or join!) this amazing national (US) resource, together with American Circus Educators. Circus is for Everyone!
JLD, the founding director of Flying Gravity Circus, jumps for joy that charter member Jonathon Roitman has taken the reins and is steering FGC into the future! Great youth circus programs in southern New Hampshire!
It’s been almost 20 years since JLD founded Silver Lining Circus Camp, providing summer programing and leadership experience for up-and-coming circus teachers in southern New Hampshire!
Talk about launching a new career! Logos and website(s) and social media, oh my! Here’s a shout-out to Theo Groh, Kurt Schmidlein, and Xavier Brown for helping me get in the air. They can help you too–give them a jingle.
JLD is fond of saying, “Leslie plays the soundtrack of my life.” Decades of circus-making with kids, with Leslie’s music floating the boat!
Order your copy of her music CD for youth circus here!
JLD’s cousin, Janet, is among other things a social media maven – fearless in the face of Facebook and Twitter. Good to have her in the family!
Steve Opre of the Amherst Makerspace totally rocked the circus props for this project! Great to have a gentle giant (and smart, too) to help solve the mechanical problems so readers can make their circus toys! And the Makerspace concept is brilliant – every community should have one!
JLD LOVES her local bookstore! “I’ve always dreamed of signing books here!” Dream come true. A HUGE shout-out to Willard Williams, Brian, and the Toad Team for handling pre-sales – and for providing circus cupcakes for the book launch! (Thanks, Mary McDonald!) If you’re ever in Milford, Peterborough, or Keene, NH, browse for books at the Toad!
It all began with the middle school students at the Pine Hill School, in 1996: the first Hilltop Circus. The launching pad for Silver Lining Circus Camp, Flying Gravity Circus, a circus arts curriculum, even Harvard graduate school and doctoral work at UBC. JLD is forever grateful to Pine Hill for supporting circus arts education for healthy child development.
Kendal Bush jumped in to shoot photos for our Author Visits page -- she was great! A client’s rave:
"I love my engagement photos and am enjoying them SO much. I just keep looking at them over and over and smiling!"
Thank you to the Spacial Dynamics Institute for being the Executive Producer of the Tightrope Walking Tutorial! SDI founder, Jaimen McMillan, is JLD’s longtime teacher, friend, and mentor. Spacial Dynamics® is the study and enhancement of the relationship between the human being and space. Trainings are held in New York, Oregon, and internationally.
JLD joined SCBWI in 2015, and upon its recommendation, she found a local writer’s critique group. And lo—Mentors! Friends! Like minds! Creatives! Also some chocolate. And a Facebook group! It’s great to cheer each other on!'
A huge shout-out to Jonathan Simcosky, the Acquiring Editor of Quarry Books at Quarto Publishing Group. It was his idea to ask Circus Smirkus if they had an author who could write a DIY circus book for kids. Smirkus tapped JLD, and the rest is history. The power of a great idea, the ripple effects, the lives that will change!
Thank you to The Movement Academy Project for being the Executive Producer of the Show-Making tutorial! Valerie Baadh, MAP’s founder, is an extraordinary movement educator located in Fair Oaks, CA. She provides educators and others with resources and education about healthy movement at all stages of life via workshops, webinars, and other resource materials.
Thank you, Pat (Mother of the Band), for being the Executive Producer of the Hooping tutorial! For over 30 years, Pat Spalding adapted folktales, fairytales, and myths for performance, wrote stories and plays and earned her living as a puppeteer. Pat offers workshops and coaching from the NH seacoast area.