Youth & Social Circus Worldwide
Kids do circus for fun and recreation, to get physically fit, to make friends, and for tons of other reasons. We call this youth circus. Circus can also be a safe place to help kids who struggle with life’s challenges, whether at home, in school, or on the streets. This is called social circus. Youth and social circus programs serve a huge range of people!
While writing DIY Circus Lab for Kids, I teamed up with an awesome group of circademics to create the first MASTER LIST of Youth and Social Circus WORLDWIDE! You won’t believe how much youth circus is going on around the globe!
The African Circus Arts festival brings together young and professional artists from all over Africa to perform and take workshops. Ethiopia, Senegal, Kenya, Egypt, and more!
The Asian Social Circus Association, funded by Cirque du Soleil, helps support kids doing circus in Indonesia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Vietnam… and many more.
Youth circus is alive and well Down Under and in New Zealand where the indigenous Maori people invented poi. See for yourself at the Australian Circus and Physical Theater Association (ACAPTA):
Cirque du Soleil is world famous for its astounding circus performances. But it also devotes resources to its Cirque du Monde program, serving thousands of kids in social circus projects globally. This amazing map captures countless projects and organizations:
Social circus organizations in Peru, Chile, and Argentina teamed up with Cirque du Soleil to receive $3.6 million dollars for low-income kids to get work in social circuses. Colombia and Brazil are set to follow.
CircusWorks is the UK’s youth circus network, creating festivals, conferences, and networking opportunities that strengthen the youth circus sector across England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.